We strive for excellence as we seek to deliver client satisfaction. Their trust is built on the quality of our work. Our Quality approach is built firmly on a threefold founding principle: compliance with our clients’ requirements, constant improvement of our performance, and empowerment of our teams through the promotion of dialogue and sharing.
This approach, which is based on measurable criteria, essentially addresses three key issues:
- continuous improvement of the services and products provided to our clients
- continuous advancement of our technical know-how
- capitalising on and publicising the experience we have gained for the benefit of future projects
Through our responsive structure and our policy of partnership with local companies, we can deploy solutions that are both global and modular.
A distinctive approach to processes
Our activities are also structured around a differentiating process approach, which details their operating methods and ensures that related risks are identified and controlled. This approach is the guarantee of our operational excellence and the quality of the structures we design and build all over the world. It is primarily based on identifying the needs of our clients and stakeholders, so that we can offer them relevant and adapted solutions.
Clarifying and simplifying are the two objectives of our process approach. By focusing on the interfaces between our departments and activities, over and above any hierarchical architecture, we are able to decompartmentalise them and ensure an unparalleled fluidity of execution. Combined with our fundamentals, this approach constitutes our unique operational frame of reference, which generates growth and can be tailored to the most diverse local and global issues.
Our integrated management system (IMS), which is cross-functional in nature, covers all phases of our projects, from design, preparation and execution stages through to delivery. It ensures that our quality standards are maintained in everything we do.
A certified management system
We offer our clients and partners a commitment that we will conduct our business to a high standard of quality, health, safety and environmental management. Indicators are implemented, monitored and reviewed periodically. Our teams and their work are audited annually to validate the certifications defined by international organisations.
For this reason, our management system – including our subsidiaries and projects – is certified for the design and implementation of large-scale infrastructure and turnkey equipment projects, and also for the inspection of structures, in accordance with the requirements:
- of ISO 9001: 2015 – Quality management systems
- of ISO 14001: 2015 – Environmental management systems
- of ISO 45001: 2018 – Occupational health and safety management systems
The Northern Europe sector of our company is also certified under version 2017/6.0 of the VCA**/SCC** “Safety Management System” reference framework by the Vinçotte Group (Belgium).
A special relationship with stakeholders
Our approach is based on raising awareness of quality issues among management and all stakeholders, both within our own teams and among those of our main suppliers and subcontractors. It is reflected in the systematic and meticulous preparation of each phase of the work and in the implementation of an effective system of internal (by management) and external (independent of operational staff) controls.
Setting an example: we see this as our mission as builders, and it is why we ensure that our activities are aligned as closely as possible to the needs of the regions and communities with which we interact.
Dialogue: this is how we run our projects. As a trusted partner, we ensure that we have close relationships with all our stakeholders:
- Client satisfaction is paramount
- The sharing of our values and quality standards is a determining criterion in the selection of our partners, subcontractors and suppliers, guaranteeing the sustainability of our relationships and a constant level of demand as we serve our clients
- The search for synergies with the Group’s companies is a decisive element for the long-term future of our company and the assurance for our clients that they have access to an unparalleled network of complementary expertise.
- The impact of our projects on their local areas and the involvement of local residents and stakeholders are taken into account at the outset of our activities, so that they contribute to value creation and bring benefit to everyone. With this approach, we aim to develop a lasting relationship of trust with our “clients-users”.

A growth-generating operational excellence plan
Our annual operational excellence plan establishes quality as a major issue and places it among the priority themes central to the company’s operations. This plan, under the aegis of our management committee and the operational and functional departments, defines the actions and objectives set in areas such as:
- Our multi-disciplinary missions to support projects at their start-up or during their implementation,
- The promotion and monitoring of productivity,
- The contractual management of our projects,

Global Compact, a commitment to universal principles
VINCI Construction Grands Projets is committed to respecting the 10 principles of the UN Global Compact, to which the VINCI Group has been a signatory since its launch in France in 2003. The United Nations Global Compact is an initiative of the United Nations Secretary General. It brings together companies and organisations from the world of labour and civil society around 10 universal principles grouped into four spheres: human rights, international labour standards, the environment and the fight against corruption.
"Safety first"
The "zero accident" culture in daily practice in all our activities
Our social engagement
We want to leave more than just a structure in the locations where we are active
Protecting our environment
Identify and reduce the impacts of our works, in dialogue with the stakeholders